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Seoul International Invention Fair
SIIF 는 전문적인경험과 지식을 가지고 있으며
성공적인 발명전시회를 개최할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
전시선정기술 게시글의 상세 화면
분야 컴퓨터/소프트웨어/전자/전기/통신 년도 2014
업체명 Nigeria Association of Inventors(NAI) 등록번호 등록일 2014-12-15
SUCK-OFF is a portable rechargeable electronic devise( a dining companion) with a unique lean feature that makes it easy to handle. Its feature includes a sucker used to suck food crumbs on clothes, small water tank and a rotational head that is attached with brush used to wash stains on clothes. It carries two indicator lights, one for power and the other for operational indication. Suck-off is designed for use in restaurants, eateries and homes. End of document.
전시선정기술 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전글 이전글 method for preventing illegal copying software
이전글 다음글 PEGFAB ? GENO
SIIF 2020 Seoul International Ivention Fair 2020
서울시 강남구 테헤란로 131(역삼동 647-9) 한국지식재산센터 17층 국제협력실
TEL : 02)3459-2843 / 2924    FAX : 02)3459-2879    EMAIL : siif@kipa.org