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Seoul International Invention Fair
SIIF 는 전문적인경험과 지식을 가지고 있으며
성공적인 발명전시회를 개최할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
전시선정기술 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 Gas Turbine Control System (GTCS) Software
분야 컴퓨터/소프트웨어/전자/전기/통신 년도 2014
업체명 Iran Helicopter Support and Renewal Company (IHSRC) 등록번호 등록일 2014-12-15
Turboshaft engines are type of gas turbines that generate shaft power. Since that lack of coordination between components would be catastrophic. Personnel shall have high expertise to handle these types of motors. GTCS software may extremity assists the users in design, analysis and test for first time in universe.
전시선정기술 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전글 이전글 Definition and applications the 3D converted matrixes to find the optimized production scheduling in a poly-metallic open pit mine
SIIF 2020 Seoul International Ivention Fair 2020
서울시 강남구 테헤란로 131(역삼동 647-9) 한국지식재산센터 17층 국제협력실
TEL : 02)3459-2843 / 2924    FAX : 02)3459-2879    EMAIL : siif@kipa.org