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Seoul International Invention Fair
SIIF 는 전문적인경험과 지식을 가지고 있으며
성공적인 발명전시회를 개최할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
전시선정기술 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 STORE DEODORIZATION VENDING MACHINE(("Vending Commercial Deodorant")
분야 실용제품및기타발명 년도 2014
업체명 kang jeung young 등록번호 10-1424507 등록일 2014-12-15
Our invention named "STORE DEODORIZATION VENDING MACHINE"("Vending Commercial Deodorant") is a product to input coins and spray deodorizing liquid to clothes and bacteria that cause bad odor according to air compression system automatically or manually. Different from other vending deodorant using chemical gases, our vending machine uses pure vegetation deodorant liquid. Our product functions as an indoor air purifier as well as clothing deodorant. You had an experience of getting public transportation after drinking or eating out and suffering from those who smoked. Our product is just needed this time; after eating out in restaurants, drinking in entertainment pubs, exercising in fitness center, smoking, etc. Only washing hands cannot prevent various flu. Only our vending machine can prevent various diseases and get rid of various dust mites, bacteria attached to the clothing. Try our product!
전시선정기술 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전글 이전글 Shoes
이전글 다음글 A Curtain Hanger
SIIF 2020 Seoul International Ivention Fair 2020
서울시 강남구 테헤란로 131(역삼동 647-9) 한국지식재산센터 17층 국제협력실
TEL : 02)3459-2843 / 2924    FAX : 02)3459-2879    EMAIL : siif@kipa.org