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Korea Invention Patent Exhibition
전시선정기술 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 전자상거래에서 개인금융계좌를 이용한 지불처리 방법 및 시스템
분야 정보/통신 년도 2011
업체명 (주)아이비티알엔씨 권리번호 10-0353016 등록일 2011-11-04


Ⅰ. (주)아이비티알엔씨 (영문명:IBTR&C Co.,LTD)는 2008.08.21. 지식재산R&D 및 개발.관리 회사로 설립. 
Ⅱ. 전문금융정보처리회사인 (주)아이비티 케이알 (영문명:IBTKR Co.,LTD)과 특허제0353016호.전자상거래등에서 개인 금융계좌 를 이용한 지불처리방법 및 시스템 전용실시계약 및 기술이전.  
Ⅲ.세계유일 온라인기반 선 거래인증, 후 정산 금융기반 정보처리 운영체제 시스템인 Ahapay® e-payment System을 (주)아이비티 케이알과 협력개발 SC제일은행 과 2011.06.01.상용화. 
Ⅳ.인터넷쇼핑몰, 모바일 및 아이패드PC SNS(Social Network Service)기반거래에 폭넓게 안전한 전자상거래를 지원.
Ⅴ. Ahapay® 는 전자상거래 참여자 들인 e-Consumer와 e-Commerce간 사회적 책임과 의무 및 동반 성장 될 것을 확신. 
Ⅶ .Ahapay® e-payment System은 국내. 외 전자상거래시장의 신뢰를 구축, 공정한, 상거래 환경조성에 기여 할 것임.


Ⅰ. IT기술은 진보는 디지털정보처리 장치 및 소프트웨어 기술을 가속화 함.
Ⅱ. e-Consumer의 생활의 필수 수단으로 수혜의 폭과 점진적 광역화 및 확장. Ⅲ.한편, 의도적 디지털정보 탈취, 그 정보를 이용하는 Black Commerce는 전자거래 참여자에게 빈번한 손실과 피해를 파생.
Ⅳ. 따라서, 전자거래 참여자 즉, e-Consumer와 e-Commerce간 손실.피해는 날로 증가, 최근 유.무선단말기 의 SNS(Social Network Service)기반까지 피해규모와, 범위가 확장 됨.
Ⅴ. 따라서, 안전하고, 보편화 된 금융정보처리기반 결제서비스 시스템의 시급한 개선이 필요 함. 
Ⅵ. 본 기술상품은 여기에 착안, 소비자 및 판매자간 균등한 권익보호, 안전한 전자거래를 지원하는 Ahapay® e-payment System을 개발.
Ⅶ. 효율적이며, 안전한 전자상거래 환경을 제공하는 세계 최초 선 거래인증, 후지급정산을 실시하는 시스템.


Ⅰ. State of IBTR&C Co., LTD is 21/08/2008 Intellectual Property in R&D and development of the management company is established. 
Ⅱ. Company specializing in processing financial information IBTKR Co., LTD and Patent No. 0,353,016 e-commerce, and with a personal financial account payment processing method and system implementation agreements and technology transfer dedicated.  
Ⅲ. The world's only certified online-election response, hujeongsan financial-based information processing system of the operating system developed Ahapay® e-payment System in cooperation with SC First Bank 06/01/2011 commercialization. 
Ⅳ. Internet shopping, mobile, and iPad PC SNS(Social Network Service) based on the wide range of transactions for secure e-commerce support. 
Ⅴ. Ahapay® who are members of the e-Consumer and e-Commerce between the social responsibilities and obligations and be accompanied by ensuring that growth. 
Ⅶ. Ahapay® e-payment System of the domestic and foreign building trust in e-commerce market, fair and transparent, contributing to the composition of commerce environment.

  Invention information

Ⅰ. IT technology advances of digital information processing devices and software acceleration technology. 
Ⅱ. e-Consumer essential means of life gradually gwangyeokhwa and expand the width of the benefits. 
Ⅲ. On the other hand, deliberate takeover of digital information, the information available to participants of the Black Commerce e-trade losses and damages deriving frequent. 
Ⅳ. Thus, the electronic trading partner that is, e-Consumer e-Commerce and Cross-Loss Damage growing, recent oil wireless terminal of the SNS (Social Network Service) based on the size and damage to, the range expands. 
Ⅴ. Therefore, safe and common treatment-based payment services as financial information systems referred to the urgent need to improve. 
Ⅵ. The technology is here conceived products, sales between consumers and equal rights and protection, and secure e-commerce to support the development of Ahapay® e-payment System. 
Ⅶ. Efficient, and secure e-commerce environment, the world's first line transaction authentication, Fuji-class settlement system, to conduct.

Ahapay® is
the only payment solution in the e-commerce world that actual payment is made after the buyers get the products or services. All other payment solutions are prepayment tools from the buyers' perspective.
   - a brand-new e-Payment certification solution
   - that secures safe purchases and sales on e-commerce
   - by holding the purchase amount from the buyer's bank account
   - when purchase is made
   - until the buyer gets the required product or service.

   - Payment is finally made after the buyer gets the product or service
   - by releasing the amount held on the buyer's bank account to sellers bank account.

Ahapay®(deferred payment System) service was commercialized on Jun. 1st, 2011.

Benefits all participants
 To bank : New source of profits
           Marketing tool to increase in bank account subscription
 To buyer : Secure safe purchase
           Money remains in the buyer's account till the purchase closed
 To seller : Secure safe sales
            Low cost payment fees
 To society : Prevent frauds in e-Commerce
       Contribute to establish social trust

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